Product Description
The Angelica sophisticated bridal dress has long sleeves and is embroidered with white silk and lace on delicate white cotton fabric. This fabulous ethnic dress shines through its 100% made by hand embroidery. The complex embroidery hand sewn by authentic folk artisans unfolds in symmetrical adornments and complex geometric shapes on the chest and sleeves. The silk embroideries are highlighted by the white cotton fabric and the complex lace handmade embroidery. The lace and silk adornments sewn by hand decorate the chest and the sleeves of the dress. This sophisticated handmade dress is hemmed manually and is creased at the neck and waist. Inspired by the beauty of the ancient bridal gowns form the 19th century, this fabulous dress is decorated with elaborate lace and silk embroideries.
Hand wash in warm water with mild detergent and use moderately warm iron. Do not bleach or tumble dry. To protect the embroidery, you are advised not to use the iron directly on it. The dress can be customized upon request. Estimated time of delivery: 20-25 days.
Made to Measure: You can order the garment you want, which will be tailored as indicated by you, to fit perfectly your figure. All you have to do is to tick the option Made to Measure, fill the form with your measurements and we will tailor this fabulous piece the way you want.
Anilu store guarantees the top quality and uniqueness of handmade clothing items, made by rare artisans who are living on forgotten lands of Romanian villages, in the Carpathian Mountains. Inherited form generation to generation, from mother to daughter, for centuries, the process of creating authentic Romanian blouses is unique in the world and can last from several days up to weeks. The legendary Romanian craftsmen sew by hand the geometrical and floral motifs on what will end up to be a unique masterpiece. Therefore, the authentic Anilu blouse is made entirely by hand, just like in ancient times, sewn with different types of hand stitches, using various colors and models, varying from a part of Romania to another, through a painstaking and lengthy process.